Basic Safety Precautions When Using a Juicer Machine

What is a Juicer?

Previously a breakfast reserve, juices are now a typical conversation with everyone asking for an extra glass in an attempt to hop on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon making juicing even more popular than before. As implied in the name, a juicer is a kitchen appliance that transforms fruits/vegetables from their solid form to liquid form by pressing or extracting the liquid found in them. Juicers come in two forms; centrifugal and masticating. Masticating juicers press/crush the fruits and vegetables to extract the juice leaving bone dry pulp while the centrifugal juicers shred the ingredients with their blades and then pass it through a sieve to separate pulp from juice. Masticating juicers which are also referred to as cold press or slow juicer are pricier in comparison to centrifugal juicers which are the cheaper more popular version.

The juicer system consists of a base that likely houses the motor, detachable plastic or metal parts, and sometimes a collection jug. Depending on the type of juicer, using the juicer is rather straight forward. For the Cold press juicer, its as easy as placing your fruit or vegetable in the juicer and waiting for your freshly squeezed juice. However, if using a centrifugal juicer, we recommend that you slice your ingredients into smaller, manageable sizes, placing them in the juicer and wait until they are entirely shredded and sieved then enjoy.

Read More: What Types Of Juicers Are There?

Basic Juicer Safety Tips

  • Before operating the juicer, as with most electrical appliances, ensure you cautiously read the manual/instruction as a precautionary measure. The manual will give you insight into how to operate the juicer ensuring your safety and that of those around you.
  • Keep the juicer from the reach of children or persons with disability particularly if they are unsupervised to avoid any incidences from occurring.
  • Before you plug in the power cord of the juicer into the socket, ensure that is juicer is off to avoid any damage to the juicer. It is also prudent that you make sure that the juicer’s voltage and that of your home match.
  • Properly assemble and secure all parts of the juicer as indicated in the manual before trying to turn on the juicer’s motor. Should the juicer have any glitches or breakdown during operation despite having followed the manual’s instructions, do not attempt to repair it. However, you could opt to return it to the seller/manufacturer or a certified expert for repair.
  • Inspect your juicer on a regular basis to ensure that it is functional. And as previously mentioned should it have any issues do not attempt to repair it.
  • Before attempting to operate the juicer, close the lid to avoid spillage or any other incidences.
  • Ensure you place your fruits/vegetables in the correct section of the juicer to avoid lodging. However, should any lodging occur do not attempt to dislodge using your bare hands. Use a spatula or food pusher as the sharp blades in the juicer can cause cuts and bruises. Should the spatula not work, stop the process and disassemble the juicer to remove the obstruction.
  • It is advisable to chop your fruits/vegetables into small pieces to avoid blockage/ obstruction of the blades. Should the fruit/vegetable you are juicing have a core, make sure you remove it.
  • It is also important to wait until the juicer comes to a complete stop before attempting to open the lid or disassembling the juicer.
  • Avoid inserting any unintended foreign objects such as bottle caps, metals etc into the juicer.
  • To avoid an electric shock, damage to the juicer or fires, do not put parts of the juicer such as the electric cord or base on hot surfaces, in water or any other liquids. Only clean parts of the juicer indicated by the manufacturer.

Read More: Reasons Why Everyone Should Own a Juicer