Do Centrifugal Juicers Destroy Nutrients?

Juicers, both centrifugal and masticating, are essential for effective juicing. Lately, their popularity has increased by several notches. That’s partly because of the ever-growing love for juicing, which has multiple benefits. For starters, juicing boosts the intake of nutrients. It’s also convenient and allows you to include as many different types of fruits in a single glass as you want. Despite all these benefits, you may be concerned about the effect centrifugal juicers have on nutrients. Do these juicers destroy nutrients? Read the answer to this question below.

Is this a legitimate concern?

Are you justified in wondering if centrifugal juicers destroy nutrients? Yes, you are. That’s because of the amount of heating involved. These types of juicers are renowned for their reliance on excessive heating to extract juice from fruits and veggies. The excessive heating emanates from the fast spinning of the machine’s metal blade. Many times, the heating tends to mess with some enzymes. Additionally, the heating has been known to oxidize many of the same nutrients, thus giving you less nutritious juice than you could get from cold-press juicers.

How much nutrients do centrifugal juicers destroy?

As you already read above, centrifugal juicers destroy some of the enzymes that you need from a nutritious drink. However, juicing using these machines will give you a drink that contains 15% fewer nutrients. Fifteen percent is almost negligible, hence no cause for alarm. In that case, it would be ok to conclude that they destroy nutrients. To understand this issue better, you would have to compare them to masticating juicers, which produce more nutrients. The good news, is you still get 85% of the nutrients that are in the original vegetable or fruit.

What nutrients do you get from juicing?

Before delving further into this matter, it would be an excellent idea to start with a definition of juicing, especially for those who may not know what it is. Juicing refers to the extraction of liquids, fluids from vegetables and fruits. The process requires the use of juicers or juicing machines. Some of these machines operate manually while others run digitally. They may work fast or slow depending on your choice of fruit and need for juice. However, regardless of how they operate, the machines guarantee you quality, delicious, and nutritious drinks.

On nutrition, centrifugal juicers – and all juicers – give you drinks that are high in the following:

  1. Vitamins
  2. Minerals
  3. Various plant nutrients

What have we learned here? For a start, it is wrong to say that centrifugal juicers don’t destroy nutrients. Yes, it is true that you will not get a drink that has 100 percent of the nutrients that you were hoping for while gulping it.

Nevertheless, you still have access to a reasonably nutritious juice. The destruction is mainly because of the amount of heat and oxidation involved in the process. For these reasons, it would be great to consume your centrifugal juicer-produced drink as fast as possible, as they tend to have a short shelf-life.